Angels Cakes & Bakes Blog

Archive for the ‘Christmas’ Category

Where did it come from, it just crept up on us from nowhere! Xmas is just a stones-throw away & boy have we been busy!

Our classes for 2011 ended in November but we had a lovely last class with many of our students returning for the festive workshop, which was great! They made some really lovely cakes and I got some great feedback from many of them to say how much they enjoyed the class and some of them also visited at the Xmas stall too!

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The Xmas Food Fayre at Port Sunlight was very busy this year but I think there were more people taking leaflets about our cakes and enquiring about our classes than actually buying our delicious delicacies (which is still good news).  I think that with the influx of cookery and baking programmes now on TV people are giving it a whirl themselves, and good on them too! We are always happy to have a stall at a couple of these types of events every year and spread the good cakey word, particularly about our workshops at Claremont Farm.

We were really happy with the stand this year, we do try to make it as festive as possible and the lights and voiles really added to that I think.  Anyway there were loads of visitors and our mince pies sold out again (we can never make enough) thanks to a local DJ telling people about how fab they were, and we weren’t going to argue!

Our cream soda push pop cakes did not sell as well as we would have liked, they sold-out in the summer so I am guessing they are more of a summer thing, we made the syrup ourselves and were very pleased with the results so summery ‘cream soda push pop cakes’ here we come!  A big seller were our sweetie-pops, they were a new line we added and basically consisted of marshmallows on sticks with white chocolate drizzled over and sweeties stuck on top, and they were yummy, even though I say so myself!

Our jam tarts are always a big seller too, they all sold out, along with our Baileys Cream cupcakes and our triple chocolate ones! So all-in-all it was successful and very festive, although we did do better last Xmas and at the summer Fayre (we sold out in 4 hours), I think this is more of a sign-of-the-times especially after talking to other stall holders who also said that business was slower than at previous events!

I wanted to share with you a picture of one of this years Caribbean Christmas Cakes we have been making, full of lovely fruits such as mango, dates and figs, lots of Caribbean rum and covered in golden brandy marzipan and Madagascan vanilla fondant!

I am not a massive fan of fruit cake if I am honest but I have saved one of these for Xmas day so that I can sample it myself and hopefully not be disappointed.

Other news is we are currently working on our new website which we are hoping will be up-and-running in early 2012, with lots of new exciting features and links, so watch this space, and we have also been approached about supplying our wares to a couple of outlets- more about that in the new year! (*fingers crossed*)

Well I must dash now as I have lots to do but all that remains for me to say, and all of us at Angels HQ, is have a fab Christmas and end of 2011 and I look forward to blogging in 2012! Thanks for reading Kim x

Happy New Year all!

Ok, so It’s been a bit quiet on the blogging front but I assure you it’s due to illness and not laziness. The dreaded lurgy got a hold of me over the Xmas period and wiped me out. It’s as if the flu waited for me to finish the last of the years cake orders and then took a hold! In fact I was feeling pretty rough a few days before Xmas so the last orders on Xmas eve took their toll on me along with the heat from the ovens in the kitchen! But hey-ho, I am on the mend flu is all but gone, only a lingering pesky cough remains! I have a lot to thank night nurse for!

The orders have been coming in steadily for the new year, which is good. Lots of enquiries and a few deposits already paid for large orders this month. The Christmas cakes went down well particularly the carrot cakes with Xmas decorations!

Triple chocolate cupcakes were also popular over Xmas…

…and triple chocolate in giant form!!


The client was very happy with this triple chocolate cupcake, complete with mini smaties decoration, for her sons 21st birthday on Christmas Day!

Other news: I have just ordered a nice big 7-tiered cupcake stand from Wedding Acrylics in Cardiff to prepare for a few big orders coming up plus a photo shoot in a local magazine for their Valentines edition! All very exciting…keep you posted!

If you are looking for cupcake stands incidentally, you should definitely check out Wedding Acrylics website, their range is fantastic

It’ s been longer than it should have been since my last blog post! My only excuse is Christmas madness! Since the Christmas Fayre we have been very busy with all things cake and cupcakes, and like everyone else with general Christmas stuff!

I’m really looking forward to creating some fab festive dishes this Christmas. The December GoodFood magazine had some great ideas in it for the season and the Tesco Real Food magazine has some fab ideas for canapes which I’m thinking of doing for Boxing Day. One of them is mini puff pastry tarts with manchego, chorizo and peppadew peppers, they look delish & combine some of my favourite mediterranean flavours. Also tempting are the crispy pitta triangles with houmous, chillies and feta, plus Thai ginger-cured prawns with mango, fab, can’t wait!

With regards to cupcakes, I have a few orders for this week so I will multiply the amounts and hopefully have some carrot cake cupcakes and triple chocolate ones left for Xmas day! I also have a giant triple chocolate cupcake to do for a customer for Xmas day for her son’s birthday, which she is collecting on Xmas eve, so after that I have a few days off work to relax and enjoy the festivities.

If I get time I will let you know which canapes went down the best and then publish them in the new year but if in the mean time you are interested try to get a copy of the Tesco Real Food magazine (it’s free) or take a look on their website as they may have them there!

Well this is my last blog post before Xmas so all I have left to say is enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and have a very merry Christmas!


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